Welcome to BrixLab products and services! BrixLab products and services are provided to you by BrixLab Corporation (registered address: BrixLab) through a variety of means including, but not limited to, the BrixLab website (www. BrixLab .com), the BrixLab App, related WeChat open platform accounts or applets, and other new forms that may emerge as technology develops. We take the protection of your privacy and personal information very seriously and have developed this Privacy Policy to help you understand the following: 1. Introduction In order to effectively protect the privacy and personal information of BrixLab users and optimize user experience, BrixLab has created this Privacy Policy in accordance with laws and regulations such as: the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Personal Information, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Network Security, the Regulations on the Scope of Necessary Personal Information for Common Types of Mobile Internet Applications, and other national standards such as the Code of Personal Information Security for Information Security Technology (GB/T 35273-2020). This Privacy Policy applies to all services that we provide to you, regardless of whether you access BrixLab services through a computer, mobile device, tablet, or any other device. This Privacy Policy will detail the scope of personal information that may be collected for each feature, the purposes for which it is collected, the manner in which it is collected, and the possible implications of refusing to provide personal information. This Privacy Policy will explain to you the device permissions that the BrixLab platform may need, the purpose of the call or the corresponding business function, whether you will be asked before calling and how the user can turn off the corresponding permissions. If you do not agree to turn on the permission, it will not affect the normal use of other non-related business functions. We hope you will read and understand all the contents of this Privacy Policy before using BrixLab services, and we hope you can make appropriate choices according to your understanding. In addition, we will seek your prior consent when we use your personal information for purposes not covered by this Privacy Policy. 1. Basic Functions and Related Necessary Personal Information In the course of your use of the following services or features offered by BrixLab, we will collect the necessary personal information about you based on the following basic functions: i. Account Registration You will first need to register for a BrixLab account to become a registered user of BrixLab. When you register, you will need to provide us with your own cell phone number, and we will verify your identity by sending you an SMS verification code. Note: Your cell phone number will not be displayed to other users without your initiative or consent. ii. Improve online resume For [Engineer], after you register successfully, first you need to perfect your online resume (public); set your avatar; fill in your name, gender, job search status, time of participation, birth date, personal strengths, work experience (company name, industry, incumbency time, job title, job content, skill tags, work performance, department to which you belong), project experience (project name, project role, project time, project description, project performance, project link), education experience (school, education, major, school time period, school experience, graduation design / thesis topic and description), qualifications, social page, volunteer service experience (project name, service hours, project time, project description), job search expectations (job search type, expected city, expected position, position preference, salary requirements, desired industry) and job search status. Based on the above information, we will match you with positions that may be suitable for you and recommend you to employers who may be suitable. Your personal information (including cell phone number, micro signal, etc.) will not be displayed to other users without your initiative or consent. iii. Posting resume For [Engineer], you will need to upload an attached resume before you can submit your resume. BrixLab will collect your attached resume so that it can be delivered to the employer via the platform or sent to the employer via email. We may also contact you by text message, phone, or other means you agree to, based on the contact information you provide, to recommend positions or employers and products or services we offer that may be of interest to you. (B) Cases requiring your authorization and consent to retrieve system privileges i. Based on the consideration of protecting the personal safety of [engineers] and meeting the common risk control requirements of Internet platform services, BrixLab platform may require your prior consent for us to access relevant system permissions to collect and use your personal information. You can check the specific personal information access rights and their opening status through [My] - [Settings] - [Account Security Center] - [Permission Management] on BrixLab APP, and decide to open or close these rights. By turning on these permissions, you are authorizing us to collect and use such personal information. We will only use your system permissions when you use the relevant functions. Click to see the details of the permissions we retrieve. ii. By turning off these system permissions, you are withdrawing your authorization and we will no longer collect and use your personal information, but we will not be able to provide you with the relevant functions that correspond to these permissions. The decision to close the above-mentioned permissions will not affect the processing of personal information previously based on your authorization. (C) Other circumstances that require your authorization i. We may combine information from one service with information obtained from other services for comprehensive statistical analysis, which can be used to provide you with more accurate and personalized products, services and/or platform activities. ii. We may invite you to participate in surveys about our products and services or certain platform activities that may be of interest to you, in order to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of our platform services and present you with a better service experience. If you do not wish to receive such invitations, you may choose to unsubscribe by following our instructions. iii. Other uses agreed or authorized by you or permitted by laws and regulations. (D) Exceptions with authorized consent According to the relevant laws and regulations, we may collect and use some necessary personal information without your authorized consent in the following cases. (1) Related to the fulfillment of our obligations under laws and regulations. (2) Directly related to national security and national defense security. (3) directly related to public safety, public health, and significant public interests (4) directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments, etc. (5)Those that are necessary to protect your or other individuals' life, property and other significant legitimate rights and interests but for which it is difficult to obtain your consent. (6)Where the personal information collected is disclosed by you to the public at your own discretion. (7) Your personal information is collected from information that is lawfully and publicly disclosed, such as from lawful news reports, government information disclosure and other sources. (8) Necessary for the conclusion and performance of a contract at your request. (9)necessary for academic research institutions to conduct statistical or academic research in the public interest and to de-identify the personal information contained in the results when providing the results of academic research or descriptions to the public. (10) Necessary for maintaining the safe and stable operation of BrixLab platform products and/or services, including the detection and disposal of product or service failures. (11) Other circumstances as required by laws and administrative regulations. If you have any questions or need further information about our collection and use of your personal information, please contact us through the contact information published in this Privacy Policy. 2. How we use cookies and similar technologies To ensure that our website works properly, we store a data file called a cookie on your computer or mobile device. Cookies usually contain a user identifier, the name of a city, and a number of characters. Cookies are used primarily to facilitate your use of our products and services and to help the website count the number of unique visitors, among other things. By using cookie technology, we are able to provide you with better service. We do not use cookies for any purpose other than those described in this Privacy Policy. You can manage or delete cookies according to your preferences; for more information, see aboutcookies.org. You can clear all cookies stored on your computer, and most web browsers have the ability to block cookies. However, if you do so, you will need to personally change your user settings each time you visit our site, but you may not be able to log in or use services or features offered by BrixLab that rely on cookies because of such changes. You can limit BrixLab's use of cookies by changing your browser settings. For Chrome, for example, you can choose to clear your cookies by going to "Settings - Advanced - Clear Browsing Data" in the "Browser Settings" drop-down menu at the top right of Chrome. III. How we share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information We will not share or transfer your personal information to third parties unless you have given your prior authorized consent, or the personal information shared or transferred is de-identified processed information and the sharing third party cannot re-identify the natural person subject of such information. (A) Sharing We will treat your information with a high degree of diligence. We will not share your information with any third party companies, organizations, or individuals other than BrixLab affiliates without your consent, except for the following: i. Sharing Information with Employers or Affiliates You may log in to other products or services operated by us through a unified BrixLab account. When you log in to our services, BrixLab may share your personal information (including ID information, cell phone number, avatar, nickname, gender, age, resume information, authentication information, as well as identifiers, corporate information, job postings, candidate information, etc.) with our employers or affiliates. ii. Sharing with business partners to achieve specific functions In order to ensure the stable operation of the BrixLab platform or to achieve related functions, we may use the services provided by our affiliated platforms or access software development kits (SDKs) provided by third parties and other third-party vendors to achieve the aforementioned purposes. The third parties we access may involve collecting user information for the purpose of providing services to users. We will test and evaluate the services provided by third parties and strictly comply with relevant laws, regulations and regulatory requirements. In order to provide more services to our users, to ensure the stability and quality of our services, or to upgrade relevant functions, we may need to adjust the third-party services we access. We will promptly explain to you on this page the latest status of the third-party services that collect user information. The third-party services may have certain changes in data processing due to their version upgrades, policy adjustments, etc., which you can check on the official page of the third-party services. We may keep statistics on the usage of our services and may share these statistics with the public or third parties to show the overall usage trends of our products or services. However, these statistics do not contain any identifying information about you. We are committed to safeguarding your data and privacy to the best of our ability during the sharing process and to treating such information with no less confidentiality and security measures than those required by this Privacy Policy. If you reject this provision, please contact us through the contact information published in this Privacy Policy. Other companies, organizations and individuals (if any) with whom we share personal information will be subject to strict confidentiality agreements and will require the third party to handle such information with confidentiality and security measures no less stringent than those required by this Privacy Policy. (B) Transfer We will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization, or individual other than a BrixLab affiliate, except for those who fall under the following exemptions: i. obtain your prior express authorization or consent. ii. meet the requirements of laws, regulations, legal process or mandatory governmental requirements or judicial decisions. iii. if we or our affiliates are involved in a transaction such as a merger, separation, liquidation, acquisition or sale of assets or business, and your personal information may be transferred as part of such transaction, we will ensure the confidentiality of such information at the time of transfer and require the new company or organization holding your personal information to continue to be bound by this privacy policy, or we will require the company or organization to re-submit to you to seek authorized consent. (C) Public Disclosure We will only publicly disclose your personal information under the following conditions: i. with your express consent. ii. based on laws and regulations, legal proceedings, litigation or under mandatory requirements of government authorities. (D) Exceptions Your prior authorized consent is not required for the sharing, transfer, or public disclosure of your personal information in the following circumstances. (1). related to the fulfillment of our obligations under laws and regulations. (2). directly related to national security and national defense security (3). directly related to public safety, public health, and significant public interests (4). directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments, etc. (5). for the purpose of safeguarding your or other individuals' life, property and other significant legitimate rights and interests but where it is difficult to obtain your consent (6). personal information that you disclose to the public on your own. (7). personal information collected from legitimate public disclosure, such as legitimate news reports, government information disclosure and other channels. (8). necessary for the conclusion and performance of a contract at the request of the subject of the personal information (9). necessary for the maintenance of the safe and stable operation of the products or services provided, including the detection and disposal of product or service failures. (10). other circumstances specified in laws and regulations. IV. How we store and protect your personal information (A) Save information i. Information Storage We will continue to store your personal information for you during your use of BrixLab products and services. If you cancel your account or voluntarily delete the above information, we will promptly delete your personal information or anonymize it, and we will not use it in our daily business activities if we are required by law to do so. ii. Storage area We promise that your personal information will only be stored on servers located in the People's Republic of China, and that your information will not be transferred outside of the country by our own initiative. If we need to transfer your personal information outside of China for business purposes in accordance with applicable laws, we will obtain your consent in advance, inform you of the purpose, recipient, security measures, security risks, etc., and conduct a security assessment in accordance with the law. iii.Exceptions In general, we will retain your personal information only for as long as reasonably necessary to achieve the purposes for which it was collected, after which time we will promptly delete or anonymize your personal information as required by applicable law. We may change the period of storage of personal information due to the need to comply with legal requirements in the following cases. (1) To comply with the application of laws and regulations and other relevant provisions. (2) To comply with the provisions of court judgments, rulings or other legal proceedings. (3) To comply with the requirements of the relevant governmental authorities or legally authorized organizations. (4) For the protection of our personal property and that of our customers, users or employees. (5) Other uses that are reasonably necessary for our legitimate interests. iv. If our products or services cease to operate, we will notify users in accordance with legal provisions, including but not limited to message push, platform announcement, etc., and delete or anonymize your personal information within a reasonable period of time. 2. Protection measures i. We have taken reasonable and practicable security measures, consistent with industry standards, to protect your information from unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, modification, damage or loss. For example, the exchange of data between your browser and the server is protected by SSL protocol encryption; we also provide secure browsing of the BrixLab website using the HTTPS protocol; we use encryption technology to enhance the security of personal information; we use trusted protection mechanisms to prevent malicious attacks on personal information; we deploy access control mechanisms to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to personal information; and we conduct security training sessions. We will deploy access control mechanisms and make every effort to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to personal information; and we will hold security training courses to enhance employees' awareness of the importance of protecting personal information. ii. We enhance the security of the entire system in multiple dimensions, including organization, system design, personnel management, and product technology. Currently, our important information systems have passed the network security level protection assessment. iii. We will take reasonable and feasible measures to avoid collecting irrelevant personal information. We will only retain your personal information for as long as necessary to achieve the purposes described in this Privacy Policy (unless there is a mandatory retention requirement by law or otherwise agreed by the parties). iv. The Internet is not an absolutely secure environment, and when using the BrixLab Platform services, we strongly recommend that you do not send your information using communication methods other than those recommended by the BrixLab Platform. You can connect with others and share content with each other through our Services. When you communicate and share content through our Services, you may independently choose who you communicate and share with, as a third party who can see your contact information, communication information, and other related information. v. When using the BrixLab Services to communicate, please protect your personal information and provide it to others only when necessary. If you discover that your personal information, especially your account number, has been compromised, please contact us immediately through the contact information listed in "X. How to Contact Us" in this Privacy Policy so that we can take appropriate action upon your request. Please note that the information you voluntarily share or even publicly share when using our services may involve personal information or even sensitive personal information of you or others, such as pictures you choose to upload containing personal information when commenting or communicating. Please consider carefully whether to share relevant information privately or publicly when using our services. Please keep your account secure and help us keep your account safe. We will do our best to keep any information you send to us secure. (C) Notification of security incidents i. We will develop emergency plans for network security events and promptly dispose of system vulnerabilities, computer viruses, network attacks, network intrusions and other security risks. In the event of an event that jeopardizes network security, we will immediately start the emergency plan, take appropriate remedial measures, and report to the relevant authorities in accordance with the regulations. ii. After the unfortunate occurrence of personal information security events, we will, in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, promptly inform you of the basic situation and possible impact of the security event; the processing measures we have taken or will take; suggestions for risks you can independently prevent and reduce; and remedial measures for you. We will promptly inform you of the incident through internal software alerts, emails, SMS or phone calls, and we will take reasonable and effective measures to publish announcements when it is impractical to inform users on an individual basis. At the same time, we will also take the initiative to report the disposal of personal information security incidents in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory authorities. V. Your rights In accordance with the relevant Chinese laws, regulations, and standards, as well as the prevailing practices in other countries and regions, we protect your right to exercise the following rights with respect to your personal information. (A) Accessing and modifying your personal information i. [Engineers], users, etc. may modify information such as name, gender, cell phone number, email address, micro signal, address, etc. through the BrixLab platform. ii. If you do not have access to such personal information, you may contact us through the contact information published in this Privacy Policy. iii. We will provide you with other personal information generated in the course of your use of our products and services upon your reasonable request. If you wish to access other personal information generated in the course of your use of our products and services, please contact us through the contact details set out in "X. How to Contact Us" in this Privacy Policy. iv. If you discover an error in the personal information we process about you, you have the right to correct or update the incorrect or incomplete information by making a correction or supplemental request in the manner set forth in the paragraph above. For security purposes, we will verify your identity before you exercise your right to make corrections. (B) Deletion of your personal information You may delete portions of your information in the manner specified on the BrixLab platform. You can clear your search history by clicking the Delete button in Search > Historical Searches, and we will not retain your search history after you voluntarily clear it. You may contact us through the contact information published in this Privacy Policy to make a request to delete your personal information in the following cases. (1). If we collect, use, share or transfer your personal information with others in violation of laws and regulations or our agreement with you. (2). If we publicly disclose your personal information in violation of laws and regulations or our agreement with you, you have the right to request that we immediately stop the public disclosure and issue a notice requesting the relevant recipient to delete the corresponding information. (3). We have collected your personal information without seeking your explicit consent. (4). We use and process your personal information in violation of our agreement with you. (5). You cancel your BrixLab account. (6). We cease to provide services to you. (C) Change the scope of authorization You can turn off the permissions of geolocation, camera, microphone, etc. in the operating system of the device itself, or change the scope of consent or withdraw your authorization through My > Settings > Account & Security Center > Permission Management. (D)Cancel your account You can apply to cancel your account directly through My>Settings>Account and Security Center>Account Management>Cancellation, or you can apply to cancel your BrixLab account through the contact information published in this Privacy Policy. We will respond to your cancellation request immediately and will complete the cancellation within 15 days if you meet the cancellation requirements. The cancellation application may be withdrawn within 15 days after the successful operation. The specific operation process and the related notes are subject to the Cancellation Agreement. After you voluntarily cancel your account, we will stop providing products or services to you and delete your personal information or anonymize it in accordance with the requirements of the law, and we will not use it in our daily business activities if we need to retain personal information due to legal requirements. (E) Advance notice of product and service discontinuance If BrixLab is forced to discontinue the operation of the BrixLab platform due to special reasons, we will notify you in the main page of the products and/or services or in the website letter or send you an email or other appropriate means to reach you in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, and will stop collecting your personal information and will delete or anonymize your personal information held in accordance with the laws and regulations. We will delete or anonymize your personal information in accordance with the law. (F) Your other rights Where permitted by law, you may make copies of your personal information and request that your personal information be transferred to a designated processor of personal information, and you may request that we explain the rules for handling your personal information. You may exercise these rights by contacting us through the contact information published in this policy. (G) To respond to your request as described above i. For security purposes, you are required to provide a written request or otherwise prove your identity. We may ask you to verify your identity before processing your request, and we will respond to your said request within 15 business days after we receive your request and verify your user identity. ii. For your reasonable requests, we do not charge in principle, but for repeated requests that exceed reasonable limits, we will charge a cost fee depending on the circumstances. We may refuse requests that are unwarrantedly repetitive, require excessive technical means (for example, requiring the development of new systems or fundamental changes to current practices), pose a risk to the legal rights of others, or are highly impractical (for example, involving the backup of information stored on tapes). (H) Exceptions to respond to requests We will not be able to respond to your request as described above in the following cases, as required by law or regulation: (1). In connection with the performance of our obligations under laws and regulations (2). Directly related to national security or national defense security (3). Directly related to public safety, public health, and vital public interests. (4). Directly related to criminal investigations, prosecutions, trials and enforcement of judgments, etc. (5). Evidence that you may have obvious malice, abuse of rights and use of platform resources, abusive customer service personnel and other related circumstances. (6). For the protection of your or other individuals' life, property and other significant legitimate rights and interests but it is difficult to obtain my authorized consent. (7). Your request is beyond what can be covered by general technical means and commercial costs. (8). Where responding to your request will result in serious damage to the legitimate rights and interests of you or other individuals or organizations. (9). Those involving trade secrets. VI. How we handle personal information of minors BrixLab takes the protection of information about minors very seriously. Due to the nature of our products, websites, and services, we do not knowingly collect or maintain personal information from persons under the age of 16 on our products and services, and no part of our products and services are directed at persons under the age of 16. If you are under 16 years of age, please do not use or access our products and services in any way. If we learn that we have inadvertently collected personal information from a person under the age of 16, we will delete or take other appropriate measures in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. VII. Our Protection of Personal Information of Deceased Users BrixLab will strengthen the protection of personal information of deceased persons in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Personal Information Protection Law of the People's Republic of China starting from November 1, 2021. After the death of a BrixLab user (natural person only), the next of kin of the deceased user may, for their own legal and legitimate interests, contact us through the contact information announced in Article 10 of this policy and exercise their rights to access, copy, correct and delete the relevant personal information of the deceased user, unless otherwise arranged by the deceased user before his death. VIII. Updates to this Privacy Policy We may revise the contents of this Privacy Policy from time to time. If such changes result in material changes to your rights under this Privacy Policy, we will notify you via system push, email, SMS or page posting before the changes become effective. If you do not agree to such changes, you should stop using BrixLab platform products and services or request temporary suspension of your account through the contact information published in this Privacy Policy. By continuing to use our products or services, you agree to be bound by this Privacy Policy as amended. Material changes within the meaning of this Privacy Policy include, but are not limited to. (1). A material change in our service model. such as the purpose of processing personal information, the type of personal information processed, and the manner in which personal information is used. (2). Changes in the primary recipients of personal information sharing, transfer or public disclosure. (3). Significant changes in your rights to participate in the processing of personal information and the manner in which they are exercised. (4). When there are other changes that may have a significant impact on your personal information rights and interests. (5). When there is a change in the circumstances of the departure of personal information. IX. How to contact us If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about this Privacy Policy and our handling of your personal information, or if you find that there may be a situation where your personal information has been leaked, please contact us through the following ways. (1). E-mail: BrixLab (2). Phone: BrixLab We will respond to your request within 15 business days of receipt of your information for questions that are related to this policy or personal information protection. X. Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution This Privacy Policy, together with the User Agreement, constitutes the basic agreement document for your use of the BrixLab Services. This Privacy Policy is governed by the laws and regulations in effect in the People's Republic of China. Any dispute arising out of this Privacy Policy and our handling of your personal information may be submitted to arbitration by either party to the Shanghai International Arbitration Center in accordance with the arbitration rules in effect at the time. Appendix: Definitions Certain words used in this Privacy Policy have the following meanings. 1. "We" or "BrixLab", means BrixLab Inc. 2. "Affiliates" means other affiliated companies of BrixLab Inc. 3. "You" or "User" means a registered user of a Platform product or service operated by BrixLab Inc. 4. "BrixLab Platform" or "BrixLab Software" means www. BrixLab .com, BrixLab Mobile Client, BrixLab WeChat App. 5. "Employer" means the entity or organization to which we provide services both domestically and internationally. 6. "Personal Information" refers to all kinds of information recorded by electronic or other means that can identify a specific natural person or reflect the activities of a specific natural person, either alone or in combination with other information. Personal information includes basic personal information, personal identification information, personal biometric information, network identification information, personal health and physiological information, personal education and work information, personal property information, personal communication information, contact information, personal Internet records, personal common equipment information, personal location information, etc. For the avoidance of doubt, personal information includes but is not limited to sensitive personal information. 7. "Subject of personal information" means the natural person identified by the personal information. 8. "Sensitive personal information" refers to personal information that, if leaked, illegally provided, or misused, may endanger the safety of persons and property, and may easily lead to damage to a person's reputation, physical and mental health, discriminatory treatment, etc. Sensitive personal information includes personal property information, personal health and physiological information, and personal biometric information. 9. "Location information" refers to authorized GPS location, WiFi information (SSID, BSSID and network quality and status data). 10. "De-identification" refers to the process of technical processing of personal information so that it is impossible to identify the subject of personal information without the help of additional information. 11. "Anonymization" refers to the process of making the subject of personal information unrecognizable through technical processing of personal information and the information cannot be recovered after processing.