Before you become a registered user of BrixLab and use the services provided by BrixLab, please read the BrixLab User Agreement ("Agreement") carefully to better understand the services we provide and your rights and obligations. By using BrixLab's Services, you acknowledge and accept the terms of this document in its entirety. This Agreement is between you ("User" or "You") and BrixLab Corporation ("BrixLab Corporation" or "We") (the "Company"). ("BrixLab Corporation" or "we") (corporate address BrixLab, contact number BrixLab) with respect to the BrixLab software provided by BrixLab Corporation (the "Platform" or "BrixLab"). BrixLab"). The Platform is a serious and pure service platform, please read the following terms and conditions carefully before registering and using BrixLab. I. Acceptance of Registration Terms Once you click or check "Read and agree to accept the User Agreement and Privacy Policy" on the registration page, you have read and agreed to become a user of BrixLab and accept all the registration terms and conditions in this Agreement and BrixLab's Privacy Policy, as well as any other special agreements or rules published in the Platform. II. Conditions for User Registration 1. To register as a BrixLab user, you must meet all of the following conditions: you must be using the BrixLab services for lawful purposes on the date of registration and thereafter; you must be at least 16 years old on the date of registration. 2. In order to better enjoy the BrixLab web publishing platform services, Users shall comply with the requirements of the BrixLab registration mechanism and provide BrixLab with true, accurate, current and complete information about themselves. If a user provides any wrong, inaccurate, or incomplete information, or if BrixLab has reason to suspect that the information is wrong, inaccurate, or incomplete and violates the terms and conditions of user registration, or if BrixLab has reason to suspect that the user's information, words or actions violate the rules of the platform or relevant laws and regulations, BrixLab has the right to modify the user's registered nickname, personal description, published information, etc., or suspend or BrixLab has the right to modify the user's registered nickname, personal description, posted information, etc., or suspend or terminate the user's account, or suspend or terminate all or part of the services provided by BrixLab. 4. If a user intentionally provides false identity information or company information for registration, publishes false information or illegally obtains a resume, etc., it is considered a serious violation of this Agreement, and BrixLab has the right to suspend or terminate the user's account and stop providing services. BrixLab will pursue the legal responsibility of the user if the false registration or release of false information causes any damage to BrixLab in terms of economy or reputation. If the user is operating similar business, competing with the platform or has other interests when using the platform services, we reserve the right to provide services to you or restrict the use of some platform functions due to the security and authenticity of the platform, as well as product policy, industry competition and conflict of interest. III. User account, password and security 1. After completing the user registration process, the user will receive a password and account number. It is the User's responsibility to keep the password and account number secure. The User is solely responsible for all activities that occur under that password and account, including any information, materials, text, software, music, audio, photographs, graphics, video, messages or other materials uploaded, posted, emailed or transmitted in any other way through BrixLab, whether publicly or privately, by the content provider. 2. Users shall immediately notify BrixLab of any unauthorized use of their passwords or accounts or any other breach of security. The User shall be responsible for the consequences of any unauthorized use of the User's account or password or any other breach of security that is not caused by BrixLab and that results in the disclosure of the User's data or information. 3. The ownership of the BrixLab account belongs to BrixLab. After the user completes the account registration process, the user obtains the right to use the BrixLab account, and the right to use the account belongs only to the initial registrant of the account. Users may not gift, borrow, rent, transfer, or sell BrixLab accounts, or otherwise license BrixLab accounts to others. No other person may use a BrixLab Account by gift, inheritance, lease, assignment, or in any other manner. If we discover or have reasonable grounds to believe that an account user is not the original registrant of the account, we have the right to immediately suspend or terminate service to the registered account and permanently disable the account in order to protect the security of the account. 4. Users may not actively disclose their accounts to third parties or make them available for use by third parties, such as providing them to purchase BrixLab services on their behalf. The user shall be fully responsible for any privacy leakage or economic loss of other users and the loss of the platform as a result. IV. Description of Services 1. BrixLab provides Internet services, including online and offline related services, to its users via the Internet. In order to use the Internet services, users should provide their own equipment necessary to access the Internet, including a computer, data machine or other access device, and pay for the fees required to access the Internet. 2. BrixLab may charge certain fees for some network services when providing network services, in which case, a clear indication will be made on the relevant page. If the user refuses to pay such fees, he/she will not be able to use the relevant network services. 3. Both the paid services and the free services of BrixLab have an expiration date, after which the services will be automatically terminated, and the expiration date cannot be interrupted or extended. All paid services are non-refundable unless otherwise specified in these Registration Terms or other related terms of service. 4. Based on the risk control strategy/security risk/product policy, BrixLab may require some users to provide additional materials (including but not limited to enterprise qualification certificate, commitment letter, business agreement, etc.), and the specific requirements will be clearly displayed on the relevant page. If a user refuses to provide the aforementioned materials, BrixLab has the right to suspend or terminate some or all of the services provided to the user as appropriate. 5. In order to implement the verification and updating obligations of the Administrative Regulations on Online Recruitment Services, BrixLab may from time to time review the authenticity of some users' addresses and other related information and update the verification (currently, the review mechanism includes "environmental certification" and "offline review"). "). During the review process, users should cooperate with BrixLab staff to add relevant information (including but not limited to qualification certificates/relevant business agreements, authorization letters, authorized persons' ID cards, lease agreements/utility records, etc.) and allow BrixLab staff to review their corporate logos and office environment and take photos for record (please refer to the webpage description or "Little Secretary" notice for specific requirements). BrixLab will allow BrixLab staff to review the company logo and office environment and take photos for record (please refer to the webpage description or "Little Secretary" notice). If the user refuses, BrixLab will decide whether to restore the user's account or suspend or terminate all or part of the services provided to the user, depending on the circumstances. BrixLab will seriously deal with those who use BrixLab for illegal activities or whose words or actions (whether online or offline) deviate from the purpose of BrixLab platform, including blacklisting them, making public the circumstances of their complaints, deleting their accounts and other punitive measures, and BrixLab will hold them liable for any financial or reputational damage caused to BrixLab. 7. BrixLab shall have the right to impose legal responsibility on the user by means of the following measures 7. BrixLab has the right to inform users of advertising information, promotional offers, and other marketing information related to BrixLab services, and invite users to participate in activities such as version testing, user experience feedback, and return visits by making phone calls, sending SMS, or emails. Except for system notifications or important information, users can choose not to receive the above information through the means provided by BrixLab. 8. In order to improve the success and efficiency of BrixLab User recruitment, BrixLab may extend the public display of BrixLab User information to our employers and affiliated companies. During this time, you can learn how we keep your personal information safe through the BrixLab Privacy Policy. 9. Users shall use the relevant services through this platform and shall not access any information services within the BrixLab platform through other third party tools or operating platforms without permission, including but not limited to logging into BrixLab account and sending and receiving resumes through third party software. BrixLab shall not be responsible for any information leakage caused by the use of third-party software, and the user shall also be responsible for any losses caused to BrixLab as a result. V. Limited Liability Clause 1. BrixLab will endeavor to provide users with safe, timely, accurate and high quality services, but does not guarantee that the requirements and expectations of users will be met or that the services will not be interrupted, and does not guarantee the timeliness, safety and accuracy of the services. Unless otherwise agreed, BrixLab shall not be responsible for the User's inability to use BrixLab's services, or for the use of services that do not meet psychological expectations. 2. BrixLab makes reasonable efforts to strictly review the content transmitted by the User through the services provided by BrixLab in accordance with the relevant national regulations, but has no full control over the content transmitted through the software/website services and does not guarantee the correctness, integrity or quality of the content. As a result, users may be exposed to content that is offensive, inappropriate or objectionable when using the BrixLab Services. In no event shall BrixLab be liable for any content posted, emailed or otherwise transmitted by users through the Software/Web Services. However, BrixLab has the right to stop the transmission of any of the aforementioned contents in accordance with the law and take appropriate actions, including but not limited to suspending the user's use of all or part of the software/website services, keeping relevant records, and reporting to and cooperating with the relevant authorities as necessary in accordance with national laws and regulations and relevant policies. 3. BrixLab does not guarantee the correctness, legality or reliability of the third party advertisement information, links and information (if any) provided by BrixLab, and the advertisers shall be responsible for the related responsibilities; furthermore, the contact or commercial dealings between users and advertisers through BrixLab services are entirely between users and advertisers and have no relation with BrixLab. BrixLab is not responsible for any of the above. BrixLab shall not be liable for any damages or losses arising from such commercial dealings. 4. BrixLab has taken relevant measures and made reasonable efforts to review the photos, information, documents, videos, content and images uploaded by the User, but does not guarantee the correctness, legality or reliability of the content and the responsibility for such content lies with the User who uploaded it. 5. Users shall exercise their own judgment regarding the content posted by other users on BrixLab and shall bear all risks arising from the use of the content, including, but not limited to, risks arising from reliance on the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of the content. BrixLab Inc. cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the foregoing risks. BrixLab shall not be liable for any damage to the user's computer system or loss of data resulting from the download of any materials. 7. BrixLab does not guarantee or promise the effectiveness of any activities planned, initiated, organized, or hosted by BrixLab online or offline (including but not limited to activities for a fee or purely for the public good), nor does BrixLab guarantee the legality and reasonableness of the User's own actions during the activities. Any personal or reputational damage or other damage to the user or others arising from such activities shall be the responsibility of the person committing the act. 8. BrixLab will use reasonable efforts to verify and handle complaints from users, but does not guarantee that the requests of the complainants will be met. BrixLab has the right to decide whether to disclose the content of the complaint to the public or to the person against whom the complaint is made. If the content of the complaint violates the user's privacy, reputation and other legal rights, all legal responsibilities shall be borne by the complainant, not BrixLab. VI. User's Rights Users have the following rights regarding their personal information. 1. to inquire and request access at any time, except in rare special cases (such as being blacklisted by the website, etc.) where such inquiry and access cannot be provided. 2. to request additions or corrections at any time, except in the rare cases where such additions or corrections are not possible due to special circumstances (e.g. preservation of evidence by the website or relevant authorities for judicial proceedings, etc.) 3. to request cancellation of your BrixLab account at any time. After your successful cancellation, we will delete your personal information or anonymize it as soon as possible according to the requirements of laws and regulations. VII. Users shall undertake to comply with the following provisions in their use of the platform 1. The term "Platform Use" in this Agreement refers to any acts performed by the User using the Platform Services, including but not limited to registration, login, authentication, account management and all other acts performed through BrixLab on the Platform. Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China" "Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China" "Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Maintaining Internet Security" "Law of the People's Republic of China on Conserving State Secrets" "Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Telecommunications" "Measures for the Administration of Internet Information Services" "Measures for the Administration of Security Protection of the International Network of Computer Information Networks" "Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Computer Information Regulations on the Security Protection of Computer Information Systems", "Interim Provisions on the Management of the International Networking of Computer Information Networks in the People's Republic of China", "Provisions on the Management of Network Recruitment Services", "Provisions on the Management of Confidentiality of the International Networking of Computer Information Systems", "Provisions on the Ecological Governance of Network Information Content", "Provisions on the Management of Internet User Account Names" and other relevant Chinese laws and regulations. 3. Under any circumstances, if BrixLab has reason to believe that any behavior of the user in the course of using BrixLab services, including but not limited to any remarks and other behaviors of the user violate or may violate any provisions of the above-mentioned laws and regulations, BrixLab may terminate the services to the user at any time without any prior notice. 4. Users promise to abide by the seven bottom lines of laws and regulations, socialist system, national interests, legitimate rights and interests of citizens, public order, social morality and ethics, and truthfulness of information during the use of BrixLab. 5. You understand and agree that this platform is a platform for users to share, disseminate and obtain job opportunities. You must be responsible for all actions under your registered and certified account, including any content published by you and any consequences arising therefrom. VIII. Users are prohibited from using BrixLab to engage in the following acts Users are prohibited from making, sending, copying, publishing or disseminating information that violates the relevant national laws and regulations, the seven bottom lines, the nine forbidden regulations and the rules of this platform, or engaging in activities that violate the aforementioned regulations/rules on the BrixLab platform or by using the services provided by BrixLab, mainly in the following ways 1. opposing the basic principles established by the Constitution 2. endangering national security, leaking state secrets, subverting state power, and undermining national unity 3. harming national honor and interests; inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, and undermining national unity 4. undermine the state's religious policy, promote cults, and feudal superstition 5. spreading rumors, disturbing social order, and destabilizing society. 6. spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terrorism or abetting crime. 7. insulting or slandering others, infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of others. 8. contains false, harmful, coercive, infringing on the privacy of others, harassment, infringement, vilification, vulgarity, obscenity, or content that is unethical or offensive. 9. contains other content that is restricted or prohibited by Chinese laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, and any legally binding codes. 10. in the course of using BrixLab services, endangers the legitimate rights and interests of [Engineer] in any way 11. impersonate any person or organization, including, but not limited to, impersonating a BrixLab employee or making false statements or misrepresentations about any person or organization 12. publish or transmit information or statements that violate the portrait, reputation, privacy, patents, trademarks, copyrights, or trade secrets of any person 13. upload, post, email or otherwise transmit viruses or other computer code, files and programs 14. stalk or otherwise harass other users. 15. intercept, tamper with, collect, store or delete personal information, e-mail or other data of others without legal authorization, or use such information known to us for any illegal or improper purpose. 16. interfere or attempt to interfere in any way with the proper functioning of any product, any part or feature of BrixLab, or create, distribute, or disseminate said tools, methods, etc. 17. fail to register, authenticate or use the Service in accordance with the processes or rules of the Platform, violate the functional limitations or operational policies of the Service, or take any measures to circumvent the aforementioned processes, rules, limitations or policies 18. using plug-ins, plug-ins or accessing the Service and related systems through other third party tools, operating platforms or any services without BrixLab's permission 19. using BrixLab's account or the services of this platform to engage in any illegal part-time or criminal activities, including but not limited to fraud, pyramid schemes, traffic brushing, positive reviews, marketing of illegal items, etc. 20. Impersonate or confuse other people's account nickname, avatar, function introduction or posting recruitment content, or impersonate or use other people's name for external recruitment. 21. without the permission of BrixLab, unlawfully obtain any information in the platform for any purpose or authorize, permit or assist any third party to obtain any information for commercial use or any other purpose. "Illegal access" means the use of means or methods, including but not limited to "spider" programs, crawlers, anthropomorphic programs, etc., that are not used by real users or that avoid or disrupt technical measures, to read, copy, transfer, or obtain data and information content. 22. to read, copy, transfer, and obtain data and information content for any registered user or non-registered user 22. provide any registered or non-registered user with automatic login to the Platform, or provide or assist others to provide authentication services or sell the relevant materials or credentials required for authentication, etc. 23. any act that causes or may cause a dispute, controversy or litigation between BrixLab and a third party. IX. Special Provisions 1. BrixLab has the right to suspend or terminate the service to the user at any time without any prior notice if the user violates Article 8 of this Agreement. 2. BrixLab has the right to suspend the services to the user by freezing the account, upgrading the authentication, publicizing the platform or other means after discovering or receiving complaints if the user has the following behaviors or published/disseminated/disseminated information related to the following, and demand the user to bear the corresponding responsibility for damages. (1) Content involving advertising (seeking cooperation), pyramid schemes, or direct marketing (2) involving pornography, obscene content (3) Involving illegal/politically sensitive content (4) False information, including but not limited to untrue company information, salary, identity, resume, job information, etc. (5) Using the services provided by BrixLab to solicit the privacy of others (6) Content that involves personal attacks or other violations of the rights and interests of others (7) Information about the work of minors (8) Recruiting others to engage in illegal activities (9) Deception of job seekers in the name of training fees, clothing fees, etc. (10) Harassment of other users (11) Information that is not in line with the nature of BrixLab's services, such as chicken soup, ditto, water posting, etc. (12) Suspected of defaulting/failing to pay salary/labor remuneration according to the law, or suspected of having other legal rights and interests that may harm workers or laborers. (The platform has the right to dispose of the aforementioned cases, including but not limited to being included in the "blacklist" of relevant government departments, being reported by multiple users or being exposed by the news media. Exposure and other situations (13) If the accounts certified under two user names are judged by the system to be related accounts, if one of the accounts is frozen for violation of law, the other related accounts will be frozen at the same time. (14) Any other acts that violate laws, regulations or national policies or harm the legitimate rights and interests of BrixLab and its legal users 3. According to the current laws and regulations of China, if a user commits "publishing false information" as mentioned in item (4) above, BrixLab has the right to refuse to provide services to the user at any time and may take other measures, including but not limited to "permanently blocking the account", "permanently freezing the information of the user's device number and mobile phone number" or "permanently adding the user to the 'blacklist'". BrixLab may take other measures, including but not limited to "permanently blocking the account", "permanently freezing the user's device number, cell phone number and other related information" or "permanently adding the user to the 'blacklist'". X. Privacy Policy BrixLab protects users' personal and private information in accordance with the law. For details of the privacy policy, please refer to BrixLab's Privacy Policy. XI. Contents uploaded or posted by users in BrixLab 1. The content uploaded or posted by the User in BrixLab (including but not limited to photos, text, interview experience and comments, etc.) is deemed to be a free and non-exclusive right of use granted by the User to BrixLab and its affiliates, and BrixLab has the right to reproduce, modify and publish such content for the purpose of displaying, disseminating and promoting the aforementioned posted content. Such right of use shall continue until such time as the User notifies BrixLab in writing that further use is prohibited and BrixLab actually receives such written notice. 2. The User shall be solely responsible for any third party claims of infringement or claims against BrixLab as a result of the User's uploading or posting of content that infringes the rights of others. 3. If any third party copies, modifies, edits or disseminates the contents posted by the user in the public use area of BrixLab, the legal consequences and responsibilities arising from such actions shall be borne by the perpetrator and shall not be related to BrixLab. XII. About instant messaging services such as interview chat 1. When users accept BrixLab to provide instant messaging services such as interview invitations with registered users of BrixLab or users of BrixLab's related parties, they shall abide by laws and regulations, socialist system, national interests, legitimate rights and interests of citizens, public order, social morality and morality, and guarantee the authenticity of the transmitted information and other seven bottom lines. 2. BrixLab will temporarily store the communication information in the form of text, voice and video generated by users through this platform in business scenarios such as online chatting, phone calls and video interviews with others, and will only be used for the processing of complaints and reports, security risk control and offline temporary storage function in accordance with legal regulations. 3. BrixLab will take encryption, anti-leakage and other related measures for the collection, transmission and storage of such information, which will normally be stored for 3 years based on the safety of users' job search. 4. In order to protect the privacy of other users, you shall not download, distribute or publicly release other users' communication information as stipulated in this article, such as interview chat records, etc. If this causes damage to BrixLab or infringes on the rights and interests of other users, you shall bear the responsibility for breach of contract or compensation. XIII. Information Storage and Restrictions BrixLab reserves the right to establish general measures and limitations, including, but not limited to, the maximum period of time that the Software Services will retain emails, chat messages, posted content or other uploaded content, the maximum number of communication messages that can be sent or received per account, and the size of individual messages that can be sent or received. BrixLab is not responsible for the deletion or non-storage of any messages, communications and other content stored or transmitted through the Services. XIV. XIV. End of Service If User objects to the content of any of the Registration Terms or disagrees with subsequent modifications to the Registration Terms, or is dissatisfied with the BrixLab Services, User has the following rights: to cease using the BrixLab Services; to terminate User's eligibility to use the BrixLab Services; and to notify BrixLab to discontinue such User's Services. Upon termination of the User's service, the User's right to use the BrixLab service shall be terminated immediately and BrixLab shall have no further obligations to the User. XV. Prohibited Commercial Acts 1. The User agrees not to reproduce, copy, sell, resell or use for any other commercial purpose the services or any part of the services provided by BrixLab. 2. It is forbidden to charge the applicant through the position, and in case of inaccuracy, we will end the user's eligibility to use the BrixLab services. XVI. Liability for breach of contract 1. Users who use false identity information and company information for registration, publish false information, publish serious illegal contents such as marketing, pornography, reactionary, etc., and disseminate communication records such as interview chat to the public are regarded as serious violations of this agreement and shall bear the economic loss and reputation damage caused to BrixLab. 2. The user shall indemnify BrixLab or other partners for any claims or requests made by any third party against BrixLab as a result of the user providing, posting or transmitting contents through the services provided by BrixLab, violating the Terms of Service, or infringing any legal rights and interests of others, including but not limited to the amount of compensation, attorney's fees and reasonable investigation costs, etc. 3. In the event that a user complains about other users' illegal acts or violation of the circumstances of this registration clause, the complainant shall bear all legal responsibilities arising from the false complaint. The complainant shall independently bear all legal responsibilities if he/she violates the legal rights of others. If the complainant causes any damage to BrixLab, the complainant shall bear the corresponding compensation responsibility for BrixLab. XVII. Changes and Amendments to the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement BrixLab has the right to change and modify any of the terms of this Agreement at any time in accordance with the law. In the event of any change in the terms and conditions, we will update and alert the user in the BrixLab software or send the latest version of the User Agreement to the user in the form of system message, pop-up box, page announcement or email to read and confirm the receipt. If you do not agree with the changes to the terms and conditions, you should stop using BrixLab or apply for cancellation of your BrixLab account, and any unused paid benefits will be cleared after cancellation. Otherwise, if the User continues to use the User's account, the User shall be deemed to have accepted all the modifications to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. XVIII. Force Majeure 1. "Force Majeure" means an event beyond BrixLab's reasonable control, unforeseeable or unavoidable even if foreseen, which prevents, affects or delays BrixLab's performance of all or part of its obligations under these Terms of Use. Such event includes, but is not limited to, acts of government, natural disasters, war, hacking, computer viruses, network failures, etc. Force majeure may result in adverse consequences such as inability to access BrixLab, slow access, loss of stored data, or leakage of user personal information. 2. In the event of force majeure, BrixLab may suspend the performance of its obligations under this Agreement until the effects of force majeure are removed, and shall not be liable for breach of contract as a result; however, it shall make its best efforts to overcome the event and mitigate its negative effects. XIX. Notice Notices from BrixLab to its users will be in the form of system messages, pop-ups, emails or page announcements. BrixLab may give notice in the above mentioned forms when the terms of this User Agreement are modified or other matters are changed. XX. Application and Jurisdiction of Law The laws in force in the People's Republic of China shall apply to the entry into force, performance, interpretation and resolution of disputes of this Agreement, and any dispute arising shall be submitted to the Shanghai International Arbitration Center for arbitration in accordance with the arbitration rules in force at the time. If part of the terms of this Agreement is invalid due to the conflict with the current laws of the People's Republic of China, it shall not affect the validity of other terms.