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Brazil effortlessly
Enjoy swift onboarding in Brazil – 4 days on average.
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Simple Hire in Brazil
Setting up your business in Brazil usually requires establishing a local entity,which can be complex. Brix handles compliance with labor laws and taxes, from collecting tax documents to managing payroll. Trust Brix for global employment solutions, even without a local entity.
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Facts & Stats
Country Map
Talent Distribution
Monthly Bi-weekly
Developer Avg Salary
BRL 80,000 -
BRL 120,000/yr
Essential benefits tailored for Brazil
You can easily offer all the necessary benefits, tailored to meet the specific needs of your team,
ensuring a competitive and rewarding employee experience with Brix.
Meal Voucher
Workers' Compensation Insurance
Social Security
Private Healthcare options like Unisure and AMIL (optional)
State Pension Fund
Pay & Taxes
Leave Policy
Time Off
Pay & Taxes
Leave Policy
Time Off
Working Hours and Overtime
In Brazil, the standard workweek consists of eight hours per day or 44 hours per week. Overtime is paid at 150% of the regular rate for hours worked in excess of eight per day, and 200% for work on holidays. Overtime is limited to two hours per day, with exemptions for certain positions of trust and remote work arrangements.
Probationary Period
Employees in Brazil may undergo a probation period lasting up to 45 days, extendable to 90 days.
Employment Contract Details
Contracts in Brazil must be in Portuguese or English, written, and signed by both parties. They must include essential details such as names, start dates, job descriptions, termination conditions, and may feature bilingual content. Probation periods, although not mandatory, can last up to 90 days.
Pay & Taxes
Minimum Wage Requirements
The national minimum wage in Brazil is R$1,412.00 per month. Deel EOR employees are covered by a collective bargaining agreement with a minimum wage of R$1,454.91 per month.
Individual Income Tax
Tax rates in Brazil range from 0% to 27.5%, calculated progressively based on income. Additional factors such as marital status may influence rates.
Payroll Cost
Employer costs in Brazil typically amount to around 36.8% of the employee's salary, plus a meal voucher. This includes contributions to FGTS (8%), social security (28.8%), and a meal allowance of BRL 40 per working day.
Annual Costs
Annual costs for employees in Brazil include a 13th salary (equivalent to one month's salary), a union bonus (BRL 300.50 annually), and vacation bonuses. Optional expenses may include the Abono Pecuniário and childcare allowance for female employees.
Employer Tax
Employers in Brazil face social contributions ranging from 35% to 40%, covering social security, severance indemnity, and other benefits.
Leave Policy
Parental Leave
Maternity Leave
  • In Brazil, employees are entitled to 120 days of fully paid maternity leave, with the employer covering the costs. This payment can be reclaimed by the employer through deductions on social security payments.
  • Maternity leave can be extended to 180 days if the employer is enrolled in the government scheme known as Empresa Cidadã.
Paternity Leave
Additionally, employees are entitled to five days of fully paid paternity leave, also covered by the employer. If enrolled in Empresa Cidadã, this leave can be extended to 20 days.
Shared Parental Leave
Following maternity and paternity leave, parents can take an additional 32 weeks of leave, which can be shared between both parents. However, this extended leave period is paid at a reduced monthly rate.
Sick Leave
Sick leave entitlements in Brazil include fully paid leave for up to 15 days, with the employer covering 100% of the employee's salary. After this period, social security (INSS) takes over, providing payments up to 6,433.57 BRL for further days of sick leave.
Termination Requirements
Terminations in Brazil must adhere to intricate regulations and the specific terms of an employee's contract. Employers are responsible for managing the off-boarding process, which may involve various fees and procedural steps tailored to each case.
Types of Terminations
Various types of terminations are recognized in Brazil, including mutual agreement, voluntary resignation by the employee, and unilateral dismissal by the employer for justified reasons or gross misconduct.
Notice Period
The minimum notice period in Brazil is one month, with incremental increases based on the length of employment, up to a maximum of 90 days.
Severance for Employees
Terminated employees in Brazil are entitled to various benefits, including balance salary, unused holiday payouts, and proportional 13th salary. Severance payments also include 40% of the FGTS paid during employment.
Time Off
Paid Time Off
Employees in Brazil, both full-time and part-time, are entitled to 30 calendar days of paid time off (PTO) per year, accruing at a rate of 2.5 days per month. Annual leave becomes available after one year of service, with no leave permitted during the first year.
Public Holidays
Brazil observes approximately 12 national holidays, totaling 14 days, including:
  • New Year’s Day
  • Carnival (2 Days)
  • Easter (2 Days)
  • Martyrdom of Tiradentes
  • Labor Day
  • Corpus Christi
  • Catholic Holiday
  • Independence Day
  • Catholic Saint
  • Day of the dead
  • Republic Day
  • Christmas Day
Brazil celebrates 8 regional holidays. Some regional holidays include:
  • São Paulo Anniversary
  • State Rebellion Day
  • Black Awareness Day
  • Public Holidays in Rio de Janeiro (5 days)
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